
Dobri Mitrev, former Secretary-General of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, was elected unequivocally as Chairman of the Management Board of the Association at today's emergency meeting.

The meeting of the Management Board opened with a minute of silence in memory of Radosvet Radev, who chaired BIA since 2018 but passed away unexpectedly on August 6 this year.

Dobri Mitrev was born on August 19, 1972 (49 years old). He is a legal professional with significant administrative experience, including being Chair of the Municipal Council of Pernik for two terms. He joined BIA's team in 2012 and has been the Secretary-General and a member of the Management Board since 2018. Dobri Mitrev is respected and supported by both BIA's team and members and has proven his expertise and loyalty towards the organization's cause over the years. The members of the Management Board unequivocally emphasized that his election ensures the continuity of the activities and policies of BIA, and the protection of the member's interests, especially during the pandemic, economic and political crises.

The next meeting of the Management Board is scheduled for September 29, 2021.

Date: 01.09.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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