
The sleek functioning of the Bulgarian energy system and the protection of the interests of all stakeholders are the key topics that Prime Minister Stefan Yanev raised during his meeting with representatives of BFIEK and employers' organizations. The Prime Minister pointed out that the caretaker government is the initiator of multiple discussions, the focus of which is the Bulgarian energy sector and its role within the pan-European energy market. In addition, the Council of Ministers discussed the energy sector problems and TPP "Maritsa East 2".

"We seek balance and opportunities by hosting meetings and finding mutual interests between the consumers and fully functioning energy system", Prime Minister Yanev stated. He also expressed the confidence that the partner will find satisfactory solutions for all parties of the dialogue.

During the meeting, representatives of employers' organizations and industrial energy consumers expressed their concern over the lack of energy strategies, the unfair and devoid market logic, and the lack of state support for TPSs in the Mari basin.


Dobri Mitrev, Secretary-General, participated in the meeting on behalf of BIA.

Date: 24.06.2021

Source: Council of Ministers

Readed: 7452