
50% of the companies we surveyed in a study on the role of automation in Bulgarian industry have postponed their automation plans. This was stated by Kristian Mihailov, co-founder of the Professional Association of Robotics and Automation (PARA), in the show "Business Start" hosted by Hristo Nikolov.

The data from the survey is preliminary, as it will continue until October 2020.

"The desire for automation prevails - 60% would like the automation of production, and the rest of administrative processes."

According to the guest, the prospects for the future remain positive, because automation cannot stop.

"Large manufacturing companies have a well-established security infrastructure, consisting of a number of systems to regulate data traffic and potential cyber threats," Kristian Mihailov explained.

"Robots are part of the production chain and have dozens of systems to support them. So it's hard to say that a robot can be simply hacked."

In connection with the study, which shows levels of vulnerability in the software of ABB and Kuka robots, Kristian Mihailov said that a deviation in the production process with auxiliary mechanisms can be easily located.

According to Kristian Mihailov, the most common effect of a cyber attack is to stop the production process, but there is also a danger of information theft.

"Industrial espionage is much easier than breaking in."

Mihailov also said that robots are increasingly entering the Bulgarian industry.

Date: 05.08.2020

Source: Bloomberg TV Bulgaria

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