The European Commission has today adopted an ambitious new Tax Package to ensure that EU tax policy supports Europe's economic recovery and long-term growth. The Package is built on the twin pillars of fairness and simplicity. Fair taxation remains a top priority for the European Commission, as a means of protecting public revenues, which will play an important role for the EU's economic recovery in the short-run and prosperity in the long-run. Today's Package seeks to boost tax fairness, by intensifying the fight against tax abuse, curbing unfair tax competition and increasing tax transparency. In parallel, it focusses on simplifying tax rules and procedures, to improve the environment for businesses across the EU. This includes removing tax obstacles and administrative burdens for taxpayers in many sectors, so that it is easier for companies to thrive and grow in the Single Market. Today's Tax Package is made up of three separate but related initiatives: Today's Package is the first part of a comprehensive and ambitious EU tax agenda for the coming years. The Commission will also work on a new approach to business taxation for the 21st century, to address the challenges of the digital economy and ensure all multinationals pay their fair share. In the context of the Green Deal, the Commission will make proposals to ensure that taxation supports the EU's objective of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. This multi-faceted approach to reforming taxation in the EU aims to make taxation fairer, greener and fit for the modern economy, thus contributing to long-term, sustainable, inclusive growth. Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President for an Economy that works for People, said: “Now more than ever, Member States need secure tax revenues to invest in the people and businesses who need it most. At the same time, we need to break down tax obstacles and make it easier for EU companies to innovate, invest and grow. Today's Tax Package takes us in the right direction, helping to make taxation fairer, more user-friendly and more adapted to our digital world.” Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy, said, “Fair taxation is the springboard that will help our economy bounce back from the crisis. We need to make life easier for honest citizens and businesses when it comes to paying their taxes, and harder for fraudsters and tax cheats. These proposals will help Member States to secure the revenues they need to invest in people and infrastructure, while creating a better tax environment for citizens and businesses throughout Europe.” For more information, see here.
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Date: 15.07.2020
Source: European Commission
Readed: 5618