
On the 23rd of January 2019 was held the first sitting of the newly elected (on 5th December 2018) Managing board of BIA. Members of the board adopted their work program for the first half of this year and approved the applications of seven new members of BIA as follows:

1. Artstroy Group AD – Burgas. The company was registered in 2008 and has 11 employees on the labor contract. The main scope of activity of the company is acquisition of land, construction and sales of buildings, offices and houses, complete interior design of residential and public spaces, real estate management (facility and property management) and management of the portfolio of acquisitions related investments of Bulgarian and foreign companies. “Artstroy Group” is the sole owner of the capital of the following companies: “Artstroy 1 Construction” EOOD with subject of activity “General construction of buildings and construction facilities” and 100 employees; “Artstroy Facility” EOOD, with subject of activity “Property Management and Maintenance” and 30 staff members; “Artstroy 1 – Investment” EOOD, with subject of activity “Management and Real Estate” and 12 employees.

2. Net Info AD - a leading digital media company in Bulgaria, with over 1.1 million clients (subscribers) daily visits and 188 staff members. According to different statistics, the audience of the media company accounts for about 80% of Internet users in Bulgaria, making it the leader with the largest coverage in the country. The most visited sites in Bulgaria are owned by NET INFO, with over 1 billion visits per month. Since September 2013, the company has been part of “Nova Broadcasting Group” and “Modern Times Group” (MTG), the leading media in Europe. The company produces the show 7talents, 51% of the collective shopping site www.Grabo.bg, 51% stake in the online store www.Trendo.bg, the major shares in www.Opoznai.bg, www.Broshura.bg, “Commission Share” , developing the paper brochure model in a digital environment, 20% shareholding in the online food and home shopping technology company - www.Ebag.bg, the www.Nastani.bg hotel reservation platform, as well as the following electronic websites and portals: www.vesti.bg, www.abv.bg, www.gyuvech.bg, www.sportni.bg, www.zoom.bg, www.svejo.net, www.lubimi.com, www.bgreporter.com, www.vbox7.com, www.pariteni.bg, www.vgames.bg, www.vmusic.bg.

3. “Eklitika” EOOD – Sofia, registered in 2017. The company provides consultancy in the field of information technologies, as well as organizing events. Since 2018, the company has been offering the Alfa Group product targeted towards learning and sharing good practices among managers and entrepreneurs from different economic sectors.

4. STM Complect Consult EOOD – Sofia. The company was registered in 2015 and is active in occupational medicine and offers a full range of services in the field of occupational health and safety and health at work, including measurement of the factors of the working environment, preparation of risk assessment of workplaces, development and implementation of management systems, prophylactic medical examinations, fire safety, training in the field of occupational medicine and consultations on labor issues.

5. Langmann EOOD – Sofia. The company was registered in 2018 and offers services related to training of managers and human capital management teams. The company prepares specialized programs tailored to the specifics and needs of individual clients. The company is focused on selecting interviewing techniques, managing performance evaluation processes, staff rewards and benefits programs, conflict management, and other work environment policies.

6. GenSoft EOOD – Sofia. The company was registered in 1997. GenSoft is a high-tech software company that develops and implements its own MoneyWorks Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) software product. Since its inception, the company has served over 11 000 customers in Bulgaria, the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Russia, the Middle East, China and Japan. GenSoft has five offices in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Rousse and Gabrovo with over 20 highly qualified specialists.

7. Eurofins HOS Testing Bulgaria EOOD – Sofia. The company carries out bioanalytical services, laboratory and technical research and analysis, and the sole owner of its capital is “EuroFinance Food Testing LUX Holding”, Luxembourg - the world leader in analytical services with over 375 laboratories in different countries around the world. The company’s services are primarily focused on the food industry, the environment and the pharmaceutical sector.

Other current issues in the area of competence of the Board were also discussed at todays’ meeting.

The next Board meeting will be held on 20 March 2019.

Date: 23.01.2019

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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