
On Tuesday 3 October, the European Commission presented a non-legislative Public Procurement Package. BusinessEurope supports the Commission’s continued efforts to ensure that the public procurement directives from 2014 are properly implemented in the EU Single Market.  

BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer said:

“Correct implementation of the public procurement rules is essential to enhance fair competition and ensure that public money is well spent. Improved guidance for and professionalisation of contracting authorities is likely to result in more open procurement markets. We support the Commission’s focus on making this happen.”

The Public Procurement Package contains the following elements:

  1. a general communication on the implementation of public procurement, containing six priority areas;
  2. a communication on a voluntary ex ante assessment procedure for large infrastructure projects;
  3. a recommendation on professionalisation of public buyers;
  4. a stakeholder consultation on innovation procurement.

BusinessEurope’s earlier positions on Public Contacts.

Date: 04.10.2017


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