
According to the regulation for the current programming period the non-fulfilment of preconditions could lead to suspension of a part of the European funding.

By the end of last year Bulgaria has not fulfilled 12 out of 45 preconditions for receiving European funding in the new programming period (2014 – 2020). There is an actual risk of suspension of funding in some of the OPs says in a written response to deputies from MRF the Deputy Prime Minister in resignation Mr. Tomislav Donchev, informs BGNES.

1 general and 11 thematic preconditions would have been fulfilled by the end of December of last year. Another two preconditions are sent to the European Commission but are not certified yet. An analysis is expected, after which it would be clear if any additional corrections are necessary. In reality our country has fulfilled 31 preconditions in total, expects an answer for 2 of them and has delayed 12.

The implementation of thematic preconditions is delayed in the sectors “Science and innovation”, “Risk of disasters”, “Water”, “Transport”, “Roma integration” and in certain parts of the Programme “Rural development” and Programme for Maritime Affairs and fisheries. In the general preconditions there are delays in OP Environment. The fault is in the corresponding ministries and institutions – Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Environment and Water, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agriculture, National statistical institute, National council for cooperation on ethnic and integration issues.

Delays occur despite the enhanced, according to Tomislav Donchev, monitoring over the managing authorities. Besides, in September 2016 a letter was sent to the heads of corresponding institutions. Thus the Bulgarian government has fulfilled all the necessary conditions.

According to the regulation for the current programming period the non-fulfilment of preconditions could lead to suspension of a part of the European funding. However, Tomislav Donchev is an optimist. “There is no reason to expect a critical delay of the implementation of preconditions and stopping the intermediate payments“, says Mr. Donchev in his response to the deputies. The Deputy Prime Minister in resignation adds that there is still half a year before sending the official report. “The member states will report on the fulfillment of preconditions through an official self-assessment in 2017. It will be not only a part of the report for the progress about the Partnership agreement about all of the applicable conditions, but also a part of the annual reports for the implementation of every programme about the conditions, which are applicable to it”, says Mr. Donchev.

Date: 09.01.2017

Source: Sega Daily

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