
“There are two positive aspects – the budget of the NHIF will increase with around BGN 270 million and there is a small rise of the funds for outpatient care”, said in an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio Mr. Grigor Dimitrov from the BIA.

“The budget means policy making and it has to be said what goals are going to be achieved after BGN 3 billion are given.”

“Again the goal is to cover expenses with a minimal increase. If the system itself is not restructured, we will continue to pay extra like we have been doing. Other than that, the resources are aimed at covering the debt of the hospital. There is a mass practice to transfer funds from one year to another. If the budget is adopted as it is, without any changes in the healthcare system, we will stay in the same position.”

“Around 50% of the budget are aimed at hospital care. In other European countries the amount is 30%. Only 13% are aimed at prophylaxis and outpatient care. In the EU it is over 25%. In other words, we continue to spend on hospital debts, rather than prevention.”

“In comparison to the EU, the expenses for medical goods are twice as higher. The budget has to be structured in a proper way for implementing policies and reaching fixed goals”, said Mr. Dimitrov.


Date: 17.11.2016

Source: BNRBulgarian National Radio

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