
A working meeting between the Bulgarian Association of the Metallurgical Industry (BAMI) and the Vice President of the BIA – Mr. Kamen Kolev was held on the 4th of November 2016. The discussed topic was the participation of Bulgarian entrepreneurs in Operational programme “Innovation and competitiveness”.

In the discussion participated Mrs. Politimi Paunova – CEO of BAMI, Mr. Doncho Ivanov – member of the Managing Board of BAMI, Mr. Andrei Lalov of the Professional Association “European and national programs for development”, Mr. Evgenii Ivanov – member of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian association of EU programmes consultants and Mr. Kiril Jelyazkov - Director General in BIA.

A wide range of problems, which the applicants under OPIC are facing, were discussed as well as challenges in connection with the documentation and the procedures of application and execution of the projects.

A decision was reached – a proposal on behalf of the BIA is going to be send to the Managing Authority – Ministry of Economy, about maximizing the opportunities of the program to meet the expectations of the industry more efficient, both in terms of schemes for financing projects and for improving procedures for application and implementation of projects. 

Date: 04.11.2016

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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