

The expanding cooperation between Bulgaria and Italy, and the Bulgarian Industrial Association and the Italian Confindustria in particular, was discussed during a working visit to the Bulgarian Industrial Association.

Vice-Presidents Georgi Shivarov, Kamen Kolev, Dimitar Brankov and Branimir Handjiev (Director Genaral for International organisations and programmes) hosted the meeting at the Bulgarian Industrial Association. Confindustria was represented by Mrs. Licia Mattioli, President of the Technical committee for Internationalisation and investors relations as well as President of the Industrial Union of Torino, Daniel Kraus, Deputy Director General of Confindustria and other high-level representatives of Confindustria Bulgaria.

A number of important issues were discussed between the representatives of BIA and Confindustria, such as:

  • the sanctions against Russia
  • the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
  • the market economy status of China
  • ETS and the upcoming climate conference in Paris in December
  • the diversification of the energy mix
  • the support for the European Industry
  • the state aid for company environmental purpose, etc. 

Both parties agreed to hold further bilateral meetings within the EXCO of BUSINESSEUROPE or on other occasions with the aim to discuss issues of common business interest, including the possibilities of realisations of common projects as well as in-depth research in potential business opportunities in both countries.

Confindustria and BIA are both members of BUSINESSEUROPE - the Confederation of European Business.

The cooperation between BIA and Confindustria dates from 1998 when both parties signed a cooperation agreement.


Date: 05.11.2015

Readed: 631