
We announce the start of collecting business plans for the competition "Best starting young entrepreneur for 2015" in the framework of the TRIGGER project. Entitled to apply for the competition, being held for a first time between Bulgarian and Greek young entrepreneurs, are all Bulgarian and Greek citizens with permanent address registration in the regions of Kardjali, Haskovo and Smolyan from Bulgaria and in the regions of Thessaloniki, Serres, Drama, Xanthi and Kavala from Greece, who are aged from 18 to 35 years at the date of submitting the documents.

The volume of work that candidates should develop, must not exceed 35 pages, and ideas need to be realistic and feasible in practice. Application forms and CVs must be enclosed to the business plans

5-member selection committee (jury), with the participation of Bulgarian and Greek experts, representatives of universities, business organizations, banks and media will evaluate the work of the participants in two stages – by 10 September and by 24 September 2015. Then, three Bulgarian and three Greek entrepreneurs with the best business plans will be selected who will receive special diplomas by the organizers for their first, second and third place classifying.

The winners will receive financial incentives for their participation and classification in the competition.
Application documents for the competition can be submitted every working day from 09:30 to 17:00 hours in the regional offices of the Bulgarian Industrial Association under the TRIGGER project in the town of Smolyan and the town of Kardjali or by post at the following addresses:

1. Town of Kardjali, G.S.Rakovski Str. № 4, fl: 3, Contact person – Aliosha Sinabov

2. Town of Smolyan 4700,  Bulgaria Blvd. 3 (Smolyan Hotel), Contact person – Ivo Tzarev

Documents should be submitted in sealed opaque envelopes with the inscription: "Competition for "Best starting young entrepreneur for 2015, organized under the "Transnational initiative for guidance of graduated and entrepreneurship” project.”

Deadline for application submissions - 17:00 h, 10/09/2015. Postmark will apply.

Date: 14.08.2015

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