
Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) welcomes the presentation of the Ministry of Finance draft amendments to the Social Security Code (SSC) and the Law on the State Guarantee Fund sustainability of the public pension system (DFGUDPS).
In an opinion sent to the Prime Minister and Ministers of Finance and Labour and Social Policy, BIA takes the view that through the proposed texts are pinned defects adopted at the end of 2014 changes in the CSR, which carries serious risks to the stability not only the second pension insurance pillar (universal pension funds), but the entire security system.

"This project called for change "Right of choice" is a much more assured, most importantly, it is not limited to one time within the period of insurance, and is given the opportunity be exercised repeatedly. a positive aspect is the return of the principle of official distribution of persons selected in the corresponding period a universal pension fund (UPF), "it said in the opinion of the BIA.
According to the Chamber, however, subject to debate the proposed changes in art. 70 under which reduces the individual coefficient of insured persons for the time in which they were insured in UPF and stay for lots of them in the so. Called. Silver fund their individual factor is not reduced. Such recording is a further advantage of the state fund and private funds placed in a disadvantaged position on the market.


Date: 24.01.2015

Readed: 4496