
Four Bulgarians have been approved for participation in the reference groups of the European project ESCO ("Classification of European SkillsCompetencesQualifications and Occupations"). Two experts are representatives of the sector "Еngineering" is one of the sector "Facility Management" and one - sector "Soft drinks".
Bulgarian ESCO participation was made possible thanks to the efforts of sectoral reference of the BIA`s project to build the information system for competence assessment MyCompetence
ESCO project is carried out in the period 2010-2017, and is part of the "Europe 2020". ESCO seeks to introduce a multilingual, structured and easy to use terminology skills, competencies, qualifications and occupation, to facilitate communication between businesses and educational institutions at the European level. The goal is to find a common language between the needs of employers and the education system, which together strive towards sustainable growth.
ESCO is an online based platform whose pilot version launched in late 2013 and 2017 classification of European skills, competences, qualifications and occupations is expected to be ready and released as final product - ESCO v1. Integral part of the pan-European classification ESCO will be Bulgarian information system for competence assessment MyCompetence, which started in. March 2014 and more than 300 Bulgarian companies successfully apply it in practice in human resource management. 
ESCO project coordinators are DG "Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion" and DG "Education and Culture".


Date: 26.08.2014

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