
National Council for Tripartite Cooperation (NCTC) reached a consensus in the discussion of changes in the local taxes, and the design of a methodology for the preparation of draft account with the necessary costs of activities and types of bases used to determine the fee municipal waste, a reporter naAgentsiya "Focus". 
Deputy Prime Minister Zinaida Zlatanova greeted MF precision work done and put a full consensus on such an important topic. She said that after reaching this consensus, the SC must comply with it. "There is no reasonable argument against this polluter to pay, in all European countries is. Implements the polluter pays principle, this problem is more than 10 years. Businesses each year make proposals in this regard. 'One drink, other payments a waiter inscribed bill. Assuming the polluter to pay, this will reduce and the informal sector will be spent in - less junk, "said Vasil Velev of BICA. 
Brankov stated: "The polluter pays principle is the most accurate and one that pollutes it and pay the appropriate fee.'s Image is a good financial incentive, according to the Ministry of Finance. This text solves long pressing issues." Confederation and the Confederation also supported the planned polluter pay principle. 
From NCTC explained that by 30 June this year Ministers had to prepare with the National Association of Municipalities of project methodology and draft Law amending the Law on local taxes. From NCTC added that was formed a working group in which participated representatives of ministries, departments and employers' organizations. The methodology is based on current provisions of the Law on local taxes, it shall determine the order and manner of preparation of the plan account for the types of costs that include the species basics that can be used by the City Council to determine the charge "waste." 
With the methodology defined three types of substrates. The first one is individually measured quantity of municipal waste in the property. Second base is the amount of household waste, according to the number and need the necessary utensils. Third base is the number of users of the property. In the methodology includes many examples and formulas for calculation of the fee depending on the chosen basis. Municipal Board may select one or more bases for a given location - a combined approach. Was jointly prepared a draft Law amending the Law on local taxes.


Date: 15.07.2014

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