
"It seems more and more people realize that the most dangerous words are:" Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help. "Ronald Reagan told him many years ago, but the finding is especially true today, the situation in Bulgaria . 
We entrepreneurs, we were surprised by the brazen behavior of party leaders participated in the meeting with representatives of trade unions and employers' organizations, which was initiated by the President of the National Assembly. What politicians once more proved how wrong is their idea of ​​freedom and democracy. Idea is not shared by more than 70% of Bulgarian citizens who do not want to vote for these parties. In our eyes "achievements" that politicians are proud of the past 25 years, they look quite different: 
  1. With the active participation of all parties well in Bulgarian Bulgarian Parliament and the government, were created and established practices of complete arbitrariness in the adoption of laws and even more - in adopting the regulations. Absolutely unscrupulously without requiring an impact assessment, avalanche create laws, regulations, orders, instructions, etc., which do not solve any problem in society. This does not prevent any president of the SC reported proudly how many laws adopted or amended. And to recognize half-heartedly, that they seem never work. What's the point then? Very simple - to meet customers' orders. 
  2. Approved by Parliament laws are bad because they do not defend the principle, but rather, as appropriate, ignore them. And the result is that the interests of companies that are part of the party rings are served at the expense of "proud" capable and knowledgeable, not wanting to kiss his hand. 
  3. Measures adopted by the National Assembly laws are so low quality that only insulting to the intelligence of Bulgarian society. Each of them, as a rule, is hollow in content, "dopisva" with regulations and provides for the implementation of the government-appointed "independent" regulators. That you willingly serve those who need to be served. So against "monopolies" led to the creation of new monopolies that do not trade in goods and influence. Trading in influence is one of the most convincing evidence of the lack of basic understanding of a free society and civil rights among political parties in Bulgaria. 
  4. Armed to the teeth with all regulations, officials become squad of dealing with "misbehaving" and to clear the way "our". The desired result is achieved not only with direct and widespread attack, but with deliberate omission to arbitrariness of the "chosen ones" companies. 
  5. All this happens without any resistance from the opposition. She voluntarily became complicit in any atrocities while waiting her turn came to replace the government and begin to exploit the same channels of influence in favor of "Brother, Brother & Co". Fuck the public interest! 
  6. It is not true that the state budget has no money to solve the most pressing problems of society. Every year there are scrolled over 20 billion lev And every year they do not reach even the most important. The explanation is very simple - in any management solution to society's problems was not the purpose of the budget. The aim has always been to feed their, and even for yourself to spend. So every year billions of Euro sink in some programs, strategies and projects whose meaning is known only to the government. And they not only do not see the need to account for every spend our lev, but the greater is the amount that is wasted, the more a state secret is what she goes. There is no way the public can learn who they are: (a) those policies and projects; (b) what are their objectives and what the expected result; (c) who is responsible for achieving this; (d) how much it will cost this result; (e) how to develop these projects, (f) how and who is punished if the expected result is not achieved. 
  7. Nobody asks the public what to spend money in the state budget, what are the problems that need to be addressed urgently, and which can wait. And this is no accident - the politicians are absolutely aware that their priorities do not coincide with the priorities of the society. 
  8. In free societies, taxes are an expression of solidarity and compassion and not punishment. In our society there are many people who spent a lot more of their money if they know what will be used. The lack of the necessary political culture does not allow the Bulgarian politicians to understand what power is a free society. Bulgaria's readiness to cooperate and help is still alive. Despite the great effort of the former and current leaders to disintegrate individual members or groups, society today is united when it comes to saving Bulgarians victims of carelessness of public administration. 
  9. For years, the Bulgarian state only creates problems of its citizens and imitates efforts to solve them. But that could swallow if not obstructed and even prohibits the public to organize only in seeking effective solutions. The monopoly of the state in such important areas as education and health is harmful. Monopoly models of access and utilization of EU funds is a source of corruption, leading to harm to competition and free enterprise. If politicians are not mature enough to recognize the failure of the state, it should at least be smart enough to stop hinder drowning in their attempts to escape. We need initiatives of the society and the state are equal and costs thereof to compensate the budget only if Performance. 


25 years ago the Bulgarian society wanted change. They believe that they are capable, knowledgeable and hardworking. They wanted the freedom to prove it to yourself and your children. Believed that democracy means government by the will of the people. Society had a higher average intelligence and knowledge (not to mention the diplomas) to express an opinion and will on every important issue for the further development of Bulgaria. We all expected that only after a referendum and registered will of the majority will alienate voluntary, not forced part of their rights and of the hard-earned money. And not an end in itself, but to give his country needed its powers and means to implement the resulting decisions referendum tasks. What we got from politicians? Wishbone. What referendums? Where this mat'ryal will know what is good for him? 

It is true that it is very uncertain whether if all the important issues of society finds its answer referendums Bulgaria would have been part of etc. Euro-Atlantic community. But it is highly doubtful that due to the failure to integrate into Euro-Atlantic values ​​worth to ax its lightly, Bulgarian values ​​and morals! Who else but politicians are guilty of this? 
We have to admit that at least is our fault, entrepreneurs! Because we allowed this to happen. Because it did not show solidarity when politicians trampling basic principles of freedom and democracy, told by someone succeeded without their consent and blessing? Because it did not fulfill their civic duty to exercise control over rulemaking politicians always frankly was directed against or in favor of anyone? Which has always been against the free and competitive market. Not once did not find sufficient grounds together to ask the most natural question: What is our spending on public money? Why would a prime minister can afford "foreign mother asks memorial" without worrying about the reaction of society? 
Sick of us! We know that the battle between the drivers and sasipitelite will be a long and hard one. But We are determined to hold. Because I believe that the people deserve freedom. And that inevitably one day Bulgaria will be free! 
Author: Sasho Donchev, Chairman of BIA

Date: 10.07.2014

Readed: 7434