
EESC bulletin included Bojidar Danev’s opinion on the Single Market development and future in its November issue.

According to the President of BIA EU uses two main instruments to create a well functioning, open and dynamic Internal Market, in the context of an enlarging EU, the Lisbon Strategy goals and the globalization: the legislation and the budget. Assembling and completing the Internal Market legal construction, the new legislation could be introduced simultaneously vertically and horizontally. Vertically – to provide liberalization sector by sector and horizontally – to liberalize activities, unify procedures, enforce common standards, introduce common terminology and documentation, common certified procedures, common regulatory regimes and rules.

According to Mr.Danev the progress towards the liberalization of the energy sector shall foster the positive changes in almost all economic sectors, households and in the public consumption.

The liberalization of the communications, including the telecommunication sector, is vital for the development of a genuine Internal Market.

The president of BIA noted that the EU legislation should not be adapted to the national ones; it should be transposed without variations. The national legislations that are in non-conformity with the EU legislation should be changed. 

Date: 10.12.2007

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