
Over 70 representatives of sectoral and regional councils to assess the competencies of leaders and experts work on the project "Development and implementation of an information system for competence assessment (ISOK) of the workforce in sectors and regions" and members of the National Council for assessment competencies involved in a two-day (22 to 23 October 2013).

National workshop to discuss ISOK in Hisar. the project is implemented by the Bulgarian Industrial Association, in partnership with the Confederation and CL "Podkrepa" in the framework of the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development".

For two days, participants in the forum will discuss the developed to the sectoral competency models, opportunities MyCompetence implementing the competence approach to workforce management instruments available to assess the competencies included in the system e-learning platforms and etc

The forum started with a statement by the Executive Chairman of BIA and the project manager Danev, who presend ​​a presentation on "Investment environment, labor and quality of the workforce."

The sustained emigration, declining investment, disclosure quality and sustainable jobs, rising unemployment, an alarmingly high level of youth unemployment, a high number of early dropouts from education and high number of illiterate - so the Executive Chairman of the BIA outlined the current situation of the labor market in country.

"There are no jobs for people but also for people working there," said Danev as main reasons for emphasizing the gap between professional and educational standards, resulting in a discrepancy between the needs and requirements of the labor market and employability of graduates. It is in the direction of convergence of professional and educational standards is the key benefit of built by BIA Information System competency assessment MyCompetence, said Danev. He expressed confidence that the successful implementation is possible with the combination of a high level of knowledge, skills and competencies.

Date: 22.10.2013

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