
"The real number of unemployed young people is 3-4 times higher than the official announcement. Almost 300,000 young people are unemployed, while the state recognizes that there are around 75,000. Nearly 46% of unemployed young people are more than a year without a job. ", said the head of the National Centre of Competence Assessment Dr. Tomcho Tomov at a seminar related to the role of business in tackling youth unemployment. The meeting was attended by speakers from the company "Philips" (Austria).

The seminar was held under the BIA implemented by the international project "Promoting youth employment in Central and Eastern Europe - CEE YOUTH project", with partners from Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and Montenegro.

According to data presented at the meeting, one in six of the young unemployed over 20 years has never commenced work. "Formation of a new group of" generational unemployment "in the group aged 15-29, where falling about 40 000 young people.

Unemployment "creep" from the countryside to cities and from uneducated to educated with more rapid pace, "said the head of the National Centre of Competence Assessment Tomcho Tomov. He added that unemployed graduates are 23.4% of all registered unemployed graduates and the proportion of unemployed young people without qualifications and specialty was 62%. According to the BIA, nearly half of registered unemployed young people with primary or lower education.


Date: 03.10.2013

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