

At the ceremony today, 24 September 2013, the  Executive President of the BIA Bojidar Danev give the official start of the Competence Assessment Information System.

The system will operate under the name of MyCompetence and assist the selection and development of human resources and predict the needs of the labor market for workers with certain qualifications, skills and competencies.

Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Daniela Bobeva get first gold card to access the information system for competence assessment MyCompetence. This happened during the official presentation of the system, which was attended by representatives of business, academia and government.

During the ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Daniela Bobeva stressed that the information system for competence assessment is a useful tool for policy-making and to bring the needs of the economy and education outcomes. Deputy Prime Minister stressed that the project for the creation of the system is a demonstration that EU funds can be channeled effectively to solving pressing social relevant issues.

Except Deputy Prime Minister addition, gold access card received Secretary for Education of the President of Bulgaria Anne-Marie Vilamovska, the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy Iveta Iankova and education Ivan Krastev, chairman of the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training Emiliana Dimitrova and the Executive Director of the Employment Agency Camellia Lozanov. On behalf of employers card get a HR manager at KCM Krasimir Orlovsk, and the first student to be able to use the information system MyCompetence, thanks to the gold access card is Andrey Stoyanov, who teaches in theUniversity of National and World Economy. Golden card access were more Wilfried Boomgaert and Katrien Vander Kuylen  who are representatives of ESCO.

MyCompetence is created within a project "Development of a Workforce Competence Assessment System by Sectors and Regions" carried out by the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) in partnership with the Confederation of the Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) and the Confederation of Labour „Podkrepa” and the financial assistance of the European Social Fund.

MyCompetence’s objectives are:

  • to create functional compatibility and possibilities for integrated data usage
  • to generate and collect in one place information and know-how with regard to managing the implementation process of the competence approach in human capital development
  • to support and initiate effective measures (at sector and regional level) for employment and skills development of Bulgaria’s workforce
  • to incorporate good practices from the implementation of the human resources management process
  • to create a library with the possibilities for support of lifelong learning
  • to provide relevant materials for the support of lifelong learning
  • to allow finding and storing of published documents which can be analysed in order to outline trends and recommendations

The functioning and effectiveness of MyCompetence is ensured by the National competence assessment network which encompasses employers, managers, specialists, consultants, state experts and experts from other institutions.

The main users of MyCompetence are:

  • Organisations (managers, HRM specialists, competence assessors)
  • Ministries, agencies and other institutions and organisations related to the labour market and the spheres of education, continuous learning, recruitment and employee leasing, career guidance 
  • Higher education institutions, vocational schools, licensed centres for vocational training
  • Organisations providing services in the spheres of recruitment, management, training and development of human resources
  • Workers and employees legally employed by organisations
  • Students.

The main elements of MyCompetence are:

  • Module „Sector models”
  • Module „Competence assessment”
  • Module „Economic sectors information”
  • Module „E-learning”
  • Module „Development resources”

A sector competence model includes:

  • A list of key positions in the sector
  • A description of the key business processes
  • A catalogue of core, managerial and specific competencies typical for the job positions included

A sector competence model supports improvement in qualifications by providing transparency with regard to the qualifications needed for working as a professional in a particular role in the sector or in a particular organisation.  It acts as link between an employer, an employee and a student by describing the competences necessary for workplace success.

Competencies in the sector model are grouped into three main clusters:

  • Core competencies
  • Managerial competencies
  • Specific competencies.

The selection and description of competencies is done according to the qualification levels set out in the National qualifications framework (NQF). Each competency is related via a code to the clusters created in MyCompetence and the respective NQF qualifications.

The model of key positions by sector consists of two main components:

  • Job description
  • Competence framework (a set of required job specific competencies)

Knowledge and skills included in the job description are organised and classified on the basis of specially developed customized MyCompetence classifiers. In addition to education requirements, degrees and education institutions recommended for work in the sector (specific universities and vocational schools) are listed along with the corresponding NQF qualification level.  


Date: 24.09.2013

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