
Revenue from garbage fee increase and taxes collected decrease Bulgarian Industrial Association approach again against unjust institutions determine the charge “garbage”

For the period 2007 to 2011 the amount of fees collected for municipal waste in the country has increased by 47% at an average annual growth rate of about 8%. At the same time the amount of fees collected decrease by 17%. It is mainly due to the change in the tax evaluation of assets (the basis for the collection MSW), ahead of a significant overall increase in the price of services, the basic consumption and industrial production. The most significant increases in the fees are in the municipalities with large enterprises - Sofia, Pernik, Devin and etc. And those resorts with an intensive holiday building – seaside resorts and mountains – Nessebar, Primorsko, Sozopol, Apriltsi and so on.

In some of the municipalities in conflict with the law, the practice of the levy has no connection with the amount of treated MSW and effective financing of the activities.

Large distortions in determining the SDW confirmed by economically unjustified differenced the dase:

• District level (2012) per person ranged from 25.3 to 121.0 lv., municipality level (2011) of 8 to 417 levs.

• Per ton of MSW collected and treated (BO) on municipal level varies from 25 to 600 lv. (Sofia Municipality).

Data from calculation made from the BIA sent a letter to all institutions demanding an urgent change in legislation on pricing of solid waste.

For more details, please see HERE:

Date: 26.07.2013

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