
National Center for Competences Assessment at the Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA) began a survey of the life cycle of qualifications and competences acquired through formal educations. The questions are aimed at professionals in technical disciplines – engineers, technicians, specialists in automations and more; Financials professionals – accountants, cashiers, auditors, and others. Specialists in computer – system administrators, computer systems admistrator and others.

The survey results will help BIA to draw conclusions about the quality of education the needs of the labor market and the need for lifelong learning. Conclusions will be presented publicly.

The study was conducted within the project “Development and implementation of an information system to assess the competence of the workforce in sectors and regions”, implemented by BIA under the OP “Human Resources Development”. The project aims to identify the needs and quality of services, and offer an efficient business models to develop the potential of the workforce. Information system (ISOK) enables the assessment of the competence of employees in 20 sectors. Created more than 40 professional standards are a resource assessment, self- assessment and development at both the sector and individual firms. The system allows the use of different data sets that compare the development of the pilot sectors. It also provides access to free e-courses on specific and managerial competences. ISOK is related to the development in the current system of classification requirements for occupations in Europe – ESCO. In this way, the product will meet the professional standards to be adopted by the EU.

BIA plans – if finance in the next programming period to the operational program – to develop and implement more professional standard 600 key position in the administration, vocational education, energy and mining. Furthermore ISOK will provide “The Electronic Skill Passport” which will allow employees and job seekers to create a profile with system www. mycompetence.bg .From it current and potential employers will be able to derive information related to job performance, completed courses and the skills of the particular person.

More about the project to build the information system to evaluate the competence of the workforce, you can learn at: www.competencemap.bg. The system itself has been uploaded at http://mycompetence.bg.

Date: 28.06.2013

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