
At the recent meeting last week Board of Directors of the project “European Classification of skills/ competences, qualifications and occupations (ESCO)” was informed about the information system assessment MY Competence. It is development Bulgarian Industrial Association on a project within the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”.

The Directors executive Chairman of BIA Bojidar Danev explained benefits of My Competence. System contains not only requirements for occupations and professions, assessment and self-assessment tools, but also resources for training and skills. This way My Competence reflects changing business environment and completes the cycle education – labor market.

The ESCO Project will continue until 2017. It seeks to introduce multilingual, structured and easy to use terminology for skills, competences and positions to make easier communication between business and educational institutions. The goal is to find a common language between the needs of employer and educational system, which together aim at sustainable growth.

ESCO is based on International Standard Qualifications of Occupations (ISCO) and above Qualification of position, skills and competences European Job Mobility Portal EURES. ESCO expect to produce of requirements for formal and informal qualifications, skills and competences nearly about 5 000 positions and 6 000 occupations, have been translated into 22 official EU languages. Initial version of the qualification of ESCO will be presented at the end of October 2013.

Coordinators of this project General Directors “ Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion” and “Education and Culture” in European Commission. Partners in ESCO are subjects, that provide services for employment in public, private and non-governmental sector, social partners educational and training institutions, sector council, personal management for professional skills selection and recruitment and career development, statistical and sociological organization, experts on communications software developers education and people management international organizations, which are relevant to the type of employment as The International Labour Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Date: 18.06.2013

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