How does it feel to be one of the 6 ladies in the 27-member Board of BIA?

Being elected as a member of the Board of BIA is an expression of high praise, but also a challenge, because it is an undoubtedly established and sustainable employers' organization, with a rich success of over 40 years of history. My confidence in our success is based on the high professionalism of each of our colleagues. I consider my choice primarily as a responsibility to the representatives of micro-, small and medium-sized businesses in Bulgaria, which most need strong representation in the tripartite dialogue. That is my personal mission. Being one of the 6 ladies in the Board of BIA – I feel great and on the spot. In an environment of intelligent and successful men, such as your colleagues on the Management Board, you get a special feeling of a woman.

Is there a need for legislation to oblige companies to increase the number of women in their management?

To oblige companies – no! It is necessary to work towards the creation of equal opportunities, equal conditions and equal treatment, where career development is based on an objective assessment of the professional qualities and opportunities of each one, without any subjective influence of discriminatory features. To educate a society without prejudice. I have always been guided by these rules in my work.

Rationality, feelings, intuition – what helps you the most in making decisions?

Intuition is not just a sense of quality that develops over time based on empirical experience. Rationality always helps me to see the objective parameters of any situation and to evaluate them without subjectivity. The feelings, the emotions, it's you. In fact, the successful combination of the three gives the optimal solution.

How do you prepare for an important meeting?

Thorough preparation on the topic, clear definition of the purpose and prior acquaintance with the participant / participants in the meeting.

How do you resolve disputes?

I try with wisdom and justice! For me, justice as a measure of values and interests has always been a leading feeling and even, I would say, a leading force! You know, the most important question is "Why?" What is the driving force, what is the motive of each person, what makes him act in one way or another? Only when you find the answer to this question can you judge fairly.

When do you feel most yourself?

You always feel most about yourself when you're alone. In our lives we play different social roles – for me the most important is that of a mother!



How does it feel to be one of the 6 ladies in the 27-member Board of BIA?

When in 2014 I was elected as the first woman, a member of the Board of BIA, I knew that this is not only a recognition, but above all a responsibility – to the delegates who have trusted me, to the colleagues with whom we work together, and also an example to all the next women who were and will be elected after me to the Board of the organization. I am glad that more and more women are present in the Board of BIA and with the work, expertise and efforts put justify the trust they have earned, and thus we all open the door even wider for a stronger female presence in the management of the organization.

Is there a need for legislation to oblige companies to increase the number of women in their management?

I do not believe that imperatively imposed restrictive measures would be a constructive way to increase the number of women in company management. It should be recognized that at this time there is also activity in policy development in this direction, incl. institutional, but also through many active non-governmental women's business organizations. Bulgaria is not bad in terms of the percentage of women's representativeness in the country's business management, especially if we compare with other European countries, as it is increasing gradually with each passing year. I am optimistic that this upward trend will continue in the future, but this requires continuous joint efforts in the synchronization of all stakeholders from business, government and society.

Rationality, feelings, intuition – what helps you the most in making decisions?

I share the belief that the combination of all three things is the key to making the right decisions for any situation. Rationality provides the ability to evaluate the opportunities and risks in business management coldly. Feelings are the foundation of empathy, without which it is difficult to build yourself as a leader for others to follow. Intuition is often the right companion that stands between rationality and feelings, as a reliable tool for any manager, reinforcing the ability to assess situations from an even wider angle. It is the balance between these complementary things that is the foundation for taking timely and successful decisions.

How do you prepare for an important meeting?

I always prepare carefully for its topic before an important meeting and I am absolutely right about it. I developed this habit with my first career steps and it is typical for me to this day. I believe that the precision and accuracy for each meeting are a sign of respect, not only for the other participants in it, but also for yourself. We must not forget that time is the most valuable and, at the same time, the most limited resource we have, and we should have it wisely and as efficiently as possible. And when a person is armed with focus and attention, he is much more effective in his activities.

How do you resolve disputes?

I have always shared the belief that dialogue is the most effective tool for resolving disputes. From the debate are born the best ideas that are able to quell disagreements. The truth is that over time, a person learns much more effectively to deal with disputes, since only life experience gives that necessary skilfulness and calmness that are so necessary for managing interpersonal relationships.

When do you feel most yourself?

I dare say that I am a happy woman who feels comfortable and relaxed, both among my loved ones from my closest family and friend circle, as well as among my colleagues from my professional circle. In order for a woman to feel successful in her profession, she must be confident and not afraid to stand up for her principles, because others follow authentic leaders. But the most important condition should not be forgotten – in order for her to feel good in her family, namely the work-life balance – one should not be at the expense of the other. It is at the moment when a person achieves this balance, then he feels himself the most.



How does it feel to be one of the 6 ladies in the 27-member Board of BIA?

One of my strong professional memories is related to the Management Board of BIA. In the distant 1999 I had to present the application for membership in the Association of the branch organization, of which I was then Executive Director. As soon as I entered the hall, I was extremely respected by the presence of such respected personalities, members of the Board. At that moment, I couldn't even imagine that I could ever be one of them. Today it is a great honor, recognition, trust, responsibility to be part of the Board of BIA and one of the 6 ladies in it. Moreover, as Executive Director of the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria, I feel committed to being a representative of the entire food industry.

Is there a need for legislation to oblige companies to increase the number of women in their management?

For our country, this is hardly necessary. In the brewing industry in Bulgaria operate 6 companies, of which 3 are managed by women. In Bulgaria, traditionally, "working girls" are extremely active, educated, well-read, fighting, emancipated, responsible, emotionally intelligent, creative and with a ready plan of action in every situation. Well, sometimes we overdo it, but still we are the more beautiful, the better and more reasonable half of humanity.

Rationality, feelings, intuition – what helps you the most in making decisions?

Probably the amalgam of everything so listed, plus expertise, plus effort, plus experience, plus confidence, but the biggest and irreplaceable plus is always the team I work with. There is no greater power than collective energy, intelligence, unanimity, support, trust. 

How do you prepare for an important meeting?

Every time it is different, but if we have reached the peak, i.e., the "important meeting", then we must have done our homework excellently, or at least very well. It is preferable not to read it, but to present it convincingly, competently, cheerfully, confidently.

How do you resolve disputes?

With patience, compromises, clear motives, proposing possible solutions and, above all, with serious preparation in support of the thesis or cause I defend. It is not easy, but it usually happens, especially if there is also a little well-intentioned provocation.

When do you feel most yourself?

Because this is a good occasion to share the kindest, most loving and grateful words for my family – for my husband, for the children, for the grandchildren without whom I cannot be myself and have my own. My friends are the other faithful companions in my life and sense of self.



How does it feel to be one of the 6 ladies in the 27-member Board of BIA?


Is there a need for legislation to oblige companies to increase the number of women in their management?

I don't think so. Women should be empowered to actively participate in social and economic life through policies that cover the entire life cycle – access to education and quality social services – in order to have the opportunity for career development and development of entrepreneurial skills. The "glass lid" will hardly disappear with legislation.

Rationality, feelings, intuition – what helps you the most in making decisions?

Intuition, pragmatism and experience.

How do you prepare for an important meeting?

With calm and confidence.

How do you resolve disputes?

With a step back and pragmatism.

When do you feel most yourself?

When I work for a cause I believe in. Then I don't think about myself.



How does it feel to be one of the 6 ladies in the 27-member Board of BIA?

I treat with great respect each of the members of the Board and I am grateful for the invitation addressed personally to me by the President of BIA Dobri Mitrev to join a team of exceptional professionals, personalities with indisputable public authority. I accept this choice as an expression of trust and opportunity with my experience in the field of tourism, politics and public communications to contribute to the expansion of BIA's platform of representativeness. Of course, this is also a serious responsibility, given the role and place of employers' organizations in the public and political life of the country.

Is there a need for legislation to oblige companies to increase the number of women in their management?

I will quote Garry Kasparov, who says: "What distinguishes a good manager, a good politician, a good chess player? The effectiveness of action!" Women have specific qualities such as diplomacy, loyalty and psychological flair, which in today's business environment can sometimes be more valuable than the classical purposefulness, ambition and equanimity inherent in men. In my opinion, the conversation on the topic and the achievement of solutions should be aimed not only at the private sector, but also at the overall system of state institutions.

Rationality, feelings, intuition – what helps you the most in making decisions?

A little bit of everything! But we still need to distinguish a "quick solution" from a "good solution". If they can sync, it would be excellent, but not always possible. I ask the opinion of people who I am sure have a higher degree of preparedness or a different point of view than mine, because it gives me a look at the situation from a new angle. The most valuable resource we have is time, so the ability to adequately assess a situation and, accordingly, to make a quick and correct decision, brings me a sense of satisfaction.

How do you prepare for an important meeting?

Very carefully. I try to be familiar with all the peculiarities of the participants, their advantages, disadvantages and culture of communication. I formulate my goal in advance and prepare myself with at least two options. However, I believe that achieving a goal is not at any cost, and if in the process of conversations, I am convinced that we are not looking in one direction, it would be smarter for everyone to continue on their way.

How do you resolve disputes?

We do not have a universal recipe, because in a dispute the parties presumably have differences, but the arguments and all those qualities we have already talked about – elegant presence, skilful communication, helpful memory – are among the tools we use. Not every argument has to be won. In human relations, the most important thing is not to impose your opinion, because each of us needs a different time to come to a certain understanding and readiness for a decision. Sometimes it makes more sense to keep your relationship than to win the argument.

When do you feel most yourself?

With family and friends – they are my greatest wealth and make me truly happy. In the romantic moments that are the most precious gift for me.



How does it feel to be one of the 6 ladies in the 27-member Board of BIA?

I feel better as one of six ladies in the current Board – in the previous one there were only three. That can only please me. Never before in my work in the Board of BIA have, I felt a different attitude towards me on a gender basis. The meetings are extremely business-like and the opinion and expertise of all members are sought equally, regardless of which they are men or women. I can always calmly express an opinion, make a suggestion or comment. But yes, it is more pleasant in the current Board to be six ladies. This is a great recognition from the "men's" business world for the competence of the women who are elected there.

Is there a need for legislation to oblige companies to increase the number of women in their management?

I don't think a law should determine the ratio of women and men in companies. Everyone has to earn their own place in business. With what he can, not with what sex he was born.

Rationality, feelings, intuition – what helps you the most in making decisions?

I think all three factors are equally important to me and build me as an expert. Of course, as a woman, I can't help but be a little more emotional than necessary, but as a manager, I try to make the most rational decisions. As far as intuition goes, I think it has rarely let me down so far. Although I rather want to see only the good in people and I have a slightly more idealistic idea of the world around me. After all, I'm a Sagittarius.

How do you prepare for an important meeting?

Frantically. That is the definition. I'm vain. I consider how I will look – clothing, hairstyle, makeup, perfume. Everything has to be perfect. I try to hide my excitement.

How do you resolve disputes?

I try to show all the facts as they really are, and by logic to come to the right decision.

When do you feel most yourself?

When I am among my relatives, family, friends, people who know me well and like me as I am. When I travel and relax in nice places with nice people.


Date: 05.03.2024

Readed: 491