Mitko Yordanov, founder and managing director of “Kremak” Ltd.

Security company KREMAK celebrates 30 years since its establishment. During this period it has become the largest armed security company on the territory of Southeast Bulgaria with more than 1 100 employees. The company's clients include: electricity distribution companies, thermal power plants, mines, solar parks, water supply companies, etc.

Mitko Yordanov is married, with three children. He holds a Master’s degree in “Border control and Corporate Security” from VFU and in “Management” from WIFI Institute in Vienna, Austria. He is also a graduate of the NATO Defense College in Rome.

Mr. Yordanov, how did you start the business and how did you take the company to the top 5 in the security industry?

We started in the harsh winter of 1992. Then the country was in political crisis and without a government. Our first major achievement was when we managed the security of almost the entire Maritsa East power complex. By securing strategic sites of importance to the national security of the country, you realize that if you carry out this commitment successfully, you will be able to cope with almost any challenge in this business. This gave us self-confidence and assurance in our capabilities, which we built on and three decades later the company is among the market leaders.

You work in a highly competitive industry. Why should customers choose KREMAK?

There is a significant difference between a service provider that a company uses and a true partner for its business. KREMAK is of the latter type. A partner is willing to tell you both the good news and the bad news, and proactively help you find ways to overcome difficult challenges. A partner is always looking to the future, creating recommendations that will help you ensure the security of your business. KREMAK is especially distinguished by the personal attention management gives to our principals. Myself and the managers on the team are a phone call away from the client at any time of the day or night.

How do you develop the staff of KREMAK?

My cause is to accept and develop young people in the KREMAK team. I am proud to say that this process is permanent and the results are the dozens of young colleagues in different positions in the company.

I believe that successful teams are those that respect diversity and continuity, because this is at the heart of creativity and development. Getting people of different perspectives from different generations to work together for the common goal is to me the recipe for successful leadership. It's not taught at university, it's built every day and requires having a good leadership example in front of you. I hope to be that for my people.

What kind of company will be KREMAK on its 40th anniversary?

Much has changed since our founding, but we continue to develop and expand our services, recently adding Cyber Security to our portfolio. We are making major investments in new technologies so that the services and solutions we offer are in tune with Industry 4.0, which is increasingly directly affecting our business. As I look forward to the future of the company, I know that success is inevitable because of the combined strength of the professionals that make up our team. KREMAK, on its 40th anniversary, will be much more technologically advanced and will reach ever greater coverage of the market, but will retain the personal attitude of the management towards each customer and each employee.

Date: 02.09.2022

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