Bulgaria in EU More... 08.02.2022 The administration in Bulgaria and Estonia 25.11.2017 Bulgaria – Romania (2007-2016) 20.11.2017 The EC report on Bulgaria's progress in 2017 in numbers 03.11.2017 Sectors with the largest employment in the EU 20.10.2017 How much do we work and rest compared to other European countries? 22.09.2017 Energy intensity of the economy 04.08.2017 Work and population density in Bulgaria and the EU 07.07.2017 Length of working life in Bulgaria and the EU 31.03.2017 Energy and environment (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 07.03.2017 Justice and internal order (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 27.02.2017 Agriculture (10 years Bulgaria in the EU) 23.02.2017 Tourism (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 23.02.2017 Transport and infrastructure (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 14.02.2017 Administration (10 years Bulgaria in the EU) 09.02.2017 Eurofunds (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 09.02.2017 Competitiveness (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 07.02.2017 State finances (10 years Bulgaria in the EU) 06.02.2017 Investments (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 06.02.2017 Innovations (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 26.01.2017 Foreign trade (10 years Bulgaria in the EU) 26.01.2017 GDP, productivity and labor market (10 years of Bulgaria in the EU) 11.01.2017 Education (10 years Bulgaria in the EU) 11.01.2017 Healthcare (10 years Bulgaria in the EU) 11.01.2017 demography 15.06.2016 Structure of public expenditures in Bulgaria and the EU 09.06.2016 Who contributes and takes how much from the EU budget?