
During the past two years and despite the far reaching impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the global economy, foreign investors’ confidence in Greece has been restored and the country is set to embark on a path of sustained economic growth, with a project annual growth above 4% until 2025.

 In this context, Hellenic Federation of Enterprises: SEV is organizing a virtual conference on December 1 entitled “Reinventing Greece through investments in innovation”. The conference will be an opportunity for investors all around the world to come together and discuss how Greece can achieve its potential in attracting foreign innovation investments as a key element in the effort of the country to “reinvent” itself.  Amongst other issues, a series of subjects will be covered in the conference, ranging from the successful collaboration between the public and the private sector, the repositioning of the country in the international innovation and technology ecosystem, to investment-led reskilling and upskilling of the local workforce.

For more information about the event, please feel free to visit HERE as well as our dedicated LinkedIn page for registration

Virtual conference “Reinventing Greece through investments in innovation”