UNICEF Bulgaria and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski organize an online Summer Academy, which will be held in the period 26-28 August 2020.
The online Summer School program is aimed at enthusiastic students interested in acquiring practical skills in the field of child rights protection, corporate responsibility (CSR), social investment, innovation and entrepreneurship. Participants will be immersed in UNICEF's work to engage governments, companies and civil society to put children's rights at the heart of their sustainable development programs.
15 young people will have the opportunity to discuss current topics on the UN agenda relevant to Bulgaria such as the Guiding Principles of Business and Human rights and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They will learn more about the risks and impacts of business activities, operations and relationships on children and on child rights and discuss opportunities for engagement with business on internationally recognized human rights, business standards and norms.
The participants will have the opportunity to access practical tools for increasing positive impacts on children's development and well-being. They will learn how to integrate children's rights into corporate policies, business processes and non-financial reports.
The program consists of three modules:
- Children’s Rights and Business Principles,
Lecturer: George Bogdanov, PhD, executive director of the National Network of Children
- Sustainable Development Goals and the contribution of Business,
Lecturer: Marina Stefanova, PhD, Business for Results Consultant, UNICEF Bulgaria - UNICEF and Business: Shared Value Partnerships,
Lecturer: Milka Semova, PhD, Steering committee member of the Bulgarian Association of the CSR specialists
Who may apply?
Students from Bulgarian universities at the age 19 – 29 years, studying law, economics, management, social services, pedagogy, human resources, public relations and others.
How to participate?
The Summer School will be conducted online. The participation is free of charge. Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion.
How to apply?
All interested applicants should fill in the following registration form.
Deadline for application: August 15th 2020, 23:59 p.m.
Seats are limited and distributed on a competitive basis.
The approved participants will be announced not later than August 18th 2020.
For more information:
Marina Stefanova, PhD
Business for Results Consultant, UNICEF Bulgaria