Sofia Hotel Balkan, 5 Sveta Nedelya Square, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sredets hall
With the cooperation of the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BASSCOM)
ICT Media and ISACA Sofia Chapter for the ninth consecutive year will gather the IT business and consumers of tech solutions to discuss some of the most popular tech trends and the development of business ecosystems.
The cloud computing market continues to grow along with the customers' expectations. Meanwhile, many companies adopted the cloud and largely perceive it as the standard platform for their business due to its undeniable advantages. According to IDC, the worldwide public cloud services market was $ 170 billion in 2018 and is projected to grow 23,8% in 2019 to $ 200 billion. In addition, as reported by Gartner, investments in cloud services are expected to grow 50 % over the next 4 years.
Meanwhile, Cloud computing giants are competing to attract key clients from the private and government sectors. Amazon is a pioneer in cloud computing and an undisputed leader in the vendor race, but the alliance between Microsoft and Oracle connecting their cloud services announced in June by the two competitors may disrupt the market rankings. How this would affect the race and the other major players in the long run - we have yet to understand.
Naturally, investments in IoT projects are also growing. The IoT boom changed the world of business and modern manufacturing. However, connecting millions of devices that have to transmit and process data in real-time created countless opportunities but it also led to some (un)expected problems. They can be solved by pushing the computing power nearer to the request thanks to edge computing. Such solutions are plentiful and it is expected that they will be the main growth driver of cloud service providers.
Join us at Cloud Sofia Summit 2019 to hear the latest technological trends in cloud computing, to learn how Internet of Things affects not only the manufacturing but also the consumer segment, to find out how to turn the huge amount of data we generate into an advantage and to be part of the conversation on hot technological topics.
The forum’s target audience consists of representatives of industrial and manufacturing enterprises in heavy and light industry, health organizations, government structures, and organizations, transportation and logistics companies, telecommunications, commerce and services, financial, insurance and pension insurance companies, banks, universities.
The Cloud Sofia Summit audience consists of managers and executive officers, COOs, production managers, creative directors, CIOs, IT experts, project managers, technologists, consultants, software developers, BI analysts, etc.