
The Financial Times is currently planning the third edition of the FT​ ​1000​: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies, to be published in March 2019​.

The FT, in partnership with Statista, the German data provider, will seek to identify the 1,000 European companies with the strongest revenue growth between the years 2014 and 2017. They will be featured in a special report in a weekday edition of the FT newspaper and on FT.com. Last year’s report can be found here.

In order for you to participate, we invite you to send us your revenue figures for the years 2014 and 2017 as well as some additional information, including your company’s headcount at the end of those years.

Potential candidates will be contacted by Statista or can put their name forward at this website.

Why should my company participate?


Inclusion in the list of the FT 1000 is a visible and public acknowledgment of your company’s performance that extends far beyond your specific industry and country. It will also generate attention for your business on the part of potential partners, customers, and investors around the world.


Corporate growth usually generates demand for new employees. Being featured in the high-profile ranking of the FT 1000 will not only increase awareness of you as an employer, it also gives potential employees an understanding of your company’s future potential.


The ranking will be covered in a special report, a supplement within a weekday edition of the FT newspaper and on FT.com. While the full ranking will be published online, FT reporters will focus on particularly interesting companies, sectors and trends in the articles of a special report that will appear in both print and on FT.com.


All companies that make it into the list may use the award logo for marketing purposes


All participants that provide us with data on their revenue will receive a free two-week Statista corporate subscription trial — irrespective of whether or not they are among the top 1,000 companies.

Who is eligible?

  1. In order to be included in the ranking your company must meet the following criteria:
  2. Revenue of at least €100,000 generated in 2014 (Currency value equivalent as of 31/12/14 and 31/12/2017)
  3. Revenue of at least €1.5m generated in 2017.
  4. Be independent in Europe (Eligible to participate are all companies from these countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.)
  5. The revenue growth between 2014 and 2017 was primarily organic (ie “internally” stimulated)
  6. Have not experienced share price irregularities in the past 12 months (FT and Statista will discuss if companies shall be excluded that are listed and have experienced share price irregularities in the past 12 months. For example, companies may be excluded if their share price drops 25 per cent over that period.)

How do I register?


Please register with Statista by November 30 2018. Alternatively, you can download the form and send it to FT1000@statista.com upon completion. You can find the English version of the form here (also available in German, French, Spanish and Italian).


Your revenue data needs to be verified. Please use one of the forms below for this purpose. The form must be signed in person by a Managing Director or a member of your Executive Committee (CEO or CFO). It must then be sent to Statista by email, fax, or mail. All necessary address details can be found on the form.

Online registration PDF

Verification form PDF


Contact details

Should you have any additional questions or would otherwise like to contact us, please email FT1000@statista.com.

Call for entries FT 1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies 2019