

"BAIT Awards 2011" will be presented at a ceremony on January 26, 2012 from19.30 in the Hall "Musala" in "Hilton".

Application forms will be accepted until January 12, 2012 including the following address: 1124 Sofia, St "Misia" № 7 or e-mail: bait@bait.bg

The competition is open to companies who are not members of BAIT.

Until now forms submitted in the categories:


Education award

Business innovation

STARTUP Company of the Year

public Administration

Journalistic contributions


A total of 15 prizes will be awarded in the following categories and respectivesubcategories:

Award for journalistic contributions

Education award

Student award

Public Administration

Business innovation

Company of the Year

Corporate and Social Responsibility

STARTUP Company of the Year

E-business, mobile solutions

Special award for significant contribution to the development of ICT.

Read more here
