
The ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL COSMETICS (AMC) was established in 2017 and today it has 4 legal entities and 41 individuals engaged in the provision of professional cosmetic and aesthetic services. As a non-governmental professional organization, the Association aims to take care of the development and promotion of medical cosmetics and education and informing consumers about the importance of proper skin, body and health care as the best prevention of unwanted aesthetic and health defects and diseases. The main priorities of the AMC are: implementation of world and European standards on the aesthetic market in Bulgaria; Creating a profession "Medical beautician"; improving the quality of the offered services of the cosmetic branch; combating unfair competition in price undercutting and the informal gray economy; creation of a national standard for opening a beauty salon or aesthetic center and their categorization; raising the standards for training centers; combating the illegal supply of equipment and cosmetics and medical devices that do not meet quality and safety standards.