The Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA) is a non-governmental organization, established on April 25th, 1980. During its 40 years of history, BIA has proved itself as one of the leading partners of the state in defining the economic policy while maintaining its governmental and political impartiality. The Bulgarian Industrial Association is guided solely by the virtues of national responsibility, competence, and integrity. BIA was recognized as a representative organization of employers on a national level by decision no. 669 of August 11th, 2016.


Communication on Engagement `2023

Communication on Engagement `2021

Communication on Engagement `2019

Communication on Engagement `2016


Achieving a free, fair, and compassionate society based on the virtues and principles of work, education, and the values of human resources – the engine power behind progress.



BIA is a nationally responsible business union working towards:

  1. Creating conditions for accelerated and sustainable growth;
  2. Transparent management;
  3. Stable legislation that protects principles, not goals;
  4. A balanced knowledge-based economy with high added value;
  5. Equal treatment of property;
  6. Competitive markets, incl. social services;
  7. Human resources development and flexible industrial relations;
  8. Preservation and development of the Bulgarian production,
  9. Expanding economic freedom and promoting entrepreneurship;
  10. Limiting the administrative pressure and the participation of the state in the economy;
  11. Fair and expedited justice;
  12. Limitation of regulatory uncertainty and frequent changes of the law;
  13. Creating modern models for business networks;
  14. Protecting the interests of the Bulgarian employers and entrepreneurs locally and internationally.

BIA is a unifier of legal and natural persons willing to work for the establishment of a fair, compassionate, and free society, under the following PRINCIPLES:

  1. Effective use, conservation, and retention of the available natural and human resources;
  2. Compliance with the law and rules of fair competition;
  3. Zero tolerance towards corruption, influence trade, and the informal sector.



Main Goal:

BIA as a factor for a smart and sustainable industrial and social development

Strategic (long-term) goals:

  1. Accelerating the transition of Bulgaria towards the European economic and social achievements;
  2. А sustainable and favorable business environment;
  3. Overcoming macroeconomic imbalances;
  4. Reformed social systems - education, health, social and health insurance, justice;
  5. Reformed and flexible labor market;
  6. High quality and skilled personnel;
  7. Decentralization and balanced regional development;
  8. More efficient use of land and geostrategic potential of the country;
  9. Increased energy efficiency, the transition to a low carbon economy, and adoption of new energy technologies;
  10. Effective integration into international industrial, technological, innovative, and market chains;
  11. Limiting opportunities for nationalization of public and private resources;
  12. Limiting regulatory uncertainty and frequent changes in the legislation;
  13. Reversing the negative demographic and migration processes.

Tactical (short-term) goals:

  1. Economic recovery and turnaround in the investment environment and employment;
  2. Controlled exit from the currency board and a smooth transition in the Eurozone.

BIA actively participates in the social dialogue at a national and international level, where it protects the interests of the Bulgarian business when regulatory framework and administrative practices change.


BIA partakes in the operations of the social partnership bodies, incl. in:

  • 18 national advisory councils, including the National Tripartite Cooperation Council, the National Employment Promotion Council, the National Labor Conditions Board, the National Economic Council, the National Science and Innovation Council, the SME Advisory Council, etc .;
  • The Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Bulgaria;
  • The supervisory and governing bodies of the National Social Security Institute, the National Health Insurance Fund, the Workers Guarantee Fund, the Working Conditions Fund, the so-called Silver Fund, National Agency for Conciliation and Arbitration, National Agency for Vocational Education and Training, etc .;
  • Workgroups and committees of ministries and other institutions.

BIA's branch member organizations are parties to all existing sectoral collective agreements. 


BIA is the only Bulgarian business organization, which is a member of BUSINESSEUROPE - a confederation-type European business organization through which it represents the interests of Bulgarian companies and employers at a European level.

The Association actively participates in the work of the International Employers Organization (IOE), the International Labor Organization (ILO), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), and the southeast European Employers' Forum (SEEEF). BIA is one of the founders of the Union of the Black Sea and the Caspian Confederations of Entrepreneurs (UBCCE).

BIA has signed cooperation agreements with over 70 national employers and business organizations from the most developed countries in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa.

Important! According to Art. 25, para. 3 of the BIA Statute, political bodies are not allowed to participate in the governing bodies of the Association.


The supreme governing body of BIA is the General Assembly (GA), which is composed of all members of the Association. The General Meeting adopts the basic guidelines for the activity of BIA, amends, and supplements the statutes, elects and dismisses the Management and Control Boards, and monitors their activity. The last General Assembly was held on December 5th, 2018.


According to the Bylaws of BIA, the Management Board (MB) of BIA consists of no less than 15 members, who are elected by the General Assembly for a term of 5 years. The MB adopts plans and programs for the activities of BIA, organizes the implementation of the decisions of the GA, and reports its activities to it. The current Management Board was elected in 2018.

  • The Chairman of the Board is elected among and by the members of the Board. He directs and represents the organization in the country and abroad. 
  • The organization of the activities of the Board is entrusted to the Secretary-General of BIA. 


The Supervisory Board (SC) is composed of three people who are elected by the GA for a term of 5 years. The Constitutional Court controls the legality and expediency of the implementation of the decisions of the BIA governing bodies, as well as the proper protection of its property.

BIA has a well-developed matrix structure uniting both the branch organizations, which cover the entire spectrum of the economy and the regional structures, which correspond to the administrative division of the country.

BIAs' structure includes more than 120 branch organizations, the majority of which are members of the respective European branch structures. They are active participants in the sectoral social dialogue and are a party to the existing collective agreements in Bulgaria.

On a territorial basis, BIA has established a network of regional and municipal organizations in all regions and multiple municipal centers. More than 100 local business associations operate locally. The network is developing dynamically over time and the number of municipal and local organizations is constantly growing. The territorial structures of BIA are actively involved in the social dialogue on the regional level, as well as in the work of the Regional Development Councils.

BIA pursues the approach of active collaboration with research and training organizations that support the industry - particularly important for the technological upgrades and innovation processes. BIA is the only national organization that has the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as a member, as well as the largest universities in the country. This combines scientific potential and industrial focus.

Since its foundation, BIA has maintained active contacts and partnerships with representatives of the cooperative movement in Bulgaria, which has a history of over 100 years.

To cover the full diversity of institutions and organizations supporting economic development and businesses, BIA has attracted members as the Union of Economists in Bulgaria, the Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions, the Union of Automation and Informatics, and others.

Our collective members are:

The Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria,
The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
The Central Cooperative Union,
The Central Union of Labor Cooperatives,
The Council of Bulgarian Agrarian Organizations,
Confederation "Union of Bulgarian Industry",
universities and scientific and technical unions.



BIA is certified by:

ISO 9001:2015 for labor market research and analysis and human capital. Development of competency models and assessment of competencies. Provision of professional and specialized training, including training for pedagogical specialists. Development, implementation and maintenance of websites and information systems. Project preparation and management. Provision of consultancy on project preparation and management.

ISO 27001:2017 for design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance of web applications, information systems and software products; Consulting and management of software projects and complete information solutions; Management, protection and maintenance of servers, communication and information resources.

Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of the Bulgarian Business
Address: Sofia 1527, 76 Chataldja Str
UIC: 831 391 124
VAT ID:BG831391124
Company rep: Dobri Mitrev

Account in BGN IBAN-BG61STSA93000021609234
EUR account IBAN-BG92STSA93000021609258

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