Seminar "Еlectric mobility of the smart mobility of Bulgarian municipalities (Panagyurishte)
+EDU-LAB Final Conference "Better chances for young people in the Danube Region", 16-17 May 2019, Zagreb
+Presentation of the charging stations for electric motors in Montana
+Ivan Velkov – member of BIA’s Board of Management participates in a Bulgarian-Chinese Business Forum in China
+BIA Vice-President Maria Mincheva participated in a meeting of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Georgia
+Annual Construction and Investment Conference 2023
+Debate in the National Assembly on the Green Deal
+National Conference "Digital Skills for the Digital Decade"
+68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
+Discussion in the EP on EU energy security
+Discussion "New European legislation on packaging and packaging waste and the role of recycling"
+Round table: "China's platforms for fast fashion and goods - a threat to health and business"
+Thematic event "The cost of staying out of the Schengen area – the impact on Bulgaria and Romania"
+International Economic Forum - Plovdiv 2024
+Circular economy: Business meeting of Polish and Bulgarian companies (Sofia)
+Roundtable on "Digital Inequality and Labor Market Divide"
+Discussion "The role of organized civil society in the process of Bulgaria joining the Eurozone"
+Challenges facing the Bulgarian economy on the way to membership in the Eurozone
+Fun for Entrepreneurs: Industry 4.0 Skills Lab
+IX European Forum for Social Entrepreneurship, Plovdiv
+Conference "Business and the regions - changed Bulgaria"
+The final conference of the eDigiStars project
+Powers Summit - 2022
+Conference "Green Transformation: Circular Economy and Sustainable Development - People, Materials, Business Models"
+A Day Dedicated to the Balkan Environmental Manager
+"Struma" Forum (21-22 May 2009)
+Discussion about the Public Orders System
+A Company of the Ministry of Finance for Greater Activity in the EU Funds Implementation
+Business meeting "Industrial Policy and Energy - imbalances and liberalization" (29.06.2011)
+Days of Bulgarian industry
+Conference on the Grey Economy
+Round Table on the Regulation Regimes (The City of Pleven)
+Discussion about the Grey Economy
+The 30th annual meeting of the regional organizations of BIA (17-18.02. 2011)
+Second regional meeting of the international project “LUDUS” for the so called serious games
+Shale gas – an energetic alternative or a threat for the environment
+Establishment of the Sector Advisory Board "Wood-manufacturing”
+10 Years of "CISCO Network Academy"
+Conference on the Energy Market
+Brewers Share Successful Experience in Trade Communications during a BIA Discussion
+Meeting of the World Trade Organization in Sofia
+South Eastern Europe Stability Pact
+Conference on “How Ready is the Business to Utilize the EU Funds?”
+Conference "European money for Bulgarian business"
+Discussion "Gender Balance in business - to break the glass ceiling" - March 7, 2016
+Discussion "circular economy"
+Meeting of the Board of BIA with entrepreneurs from Stara Zagora
+Awards "Kubratov sword" for contribution to the development of electromobility in Bulgaria for 2015
+Discussion "Industry in space - a reality for Bulgaria"
+Europe Day - Inside and Out
+The experience of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands on the applying of the models for evaluation the competences of the working force-10.10.2011
+The sixth meeting of the Community council to Workshop “Industrial policy and energetic – “Imbalance and liberalization”
+Forum on "Conventional Energy and Environment"
+Discussion about the Transport Infrastructure Development
+Visit of Georgy Shivarov in the “Danchova kushta” – Plovdiv
+Round Table on the Electricity Prices
+Plenary Session of the European Economic and Social Committee
+The General secretary of UN Ban Ki-moon in Bulgaria
+An open conversation concerning the Budget for 2012
+Discussion about implementing the blue card
+Bulgarian-Serbian business forum