IOE members are invited to distribute the SDG Stock Take survey to their member companies ahead of the 2023 SDG Summit.

At the mid-point in our journey to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the International Organisation of Employers, together with Accenture and a number of partner organisations, is conducting a global business survey to take stock of private sector contributions to the SDGs. IOE encourages member organisations to share this important survey with the companies in their networks.

In September 2023, governments will come together with other stakeholders at the UN in New York for an “SDG Summit.” World leaders will take stock of our collective progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda, grapple with shortfalls, and redouble efforts to rescue the SDGs in the years remaining until 2030. The SDG Stock Take Survey will be one of the main private sector contributions to the SDG Summit, ensuring that business perspectives are accounted for at this critical juncture and helping to inform Summit outcomes across public and private sectors. Reflecting our shared desire for the survey findings to be as globally comprehensive as possible, we are pleased to be implementing the Survey in partnership with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

To inform this critical research effort, we ask companies to complete the survey (15-20 minutes) before 2 June. Responses will be anonymous and treated in strict confidence.

The survey is available in 9 languages through the following link: Click Here.

Please note it is possible to return to the survey and change answers on the same device the survey process was started at any time. All questions related to the Survey can be addressed to

Thank you in advance for participating in the SDG Stock Take project. Your contribution is integral to international community’s ability to measure progress and chart the way forward in creating a more sustainable future.

IOE members are invited to distribute the SDG Stock Take survey to their member companies ahead of the 2023 SDG Summit.
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