Art.1. (1) (suppl., GA’2018) The Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS is a non-profit organization whose members can be Bulgarian and foreign legal and physical persons of legal capacity, conducting business activities. Members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS can be state institutions and body corporate under the private law, which are not engaged in business activity, but can help BIA to achieve its objectives and implement its tasks.

(2) Municipal, district, regional, branch (sector), sub-sector, trade and other organizations can be collective members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.

(3) Political parties and movements shall not be admitted to membership in BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.

(4) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall carry out its activities in private benefit of its members on the basis of this Statute by implementing the decisions of its management bodies and in observance of the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.

(5) (suppl., GA’2018) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS is an employers’ organization within the meaning of the Labor Code.

(6) The existence of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS is not limited in time.


Art.2. (1) “The Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS”, with an English equivalent of its name – “Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) – UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS”, is a body corporate with headquarters in Sofia, address of management – "Oborishte" district, "Chataldzha" street No. 76.

(2) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS may set up branch offices.



  1. Represent and protect the interests of its members before the state, public and international bodies and organizations;
  2. 2. (amended, GA‘2014) Cooperate for the development of market economy sustainable and qualitative growth in accordance with the interests of its members;
  3. Integrate the interests of its members and support their development for the realization of an effective and prosperous business activity;
  4. Represent and protect the interests of employers at local, municipal, regional, district, branch, sub-sector, national and international levels;
  5. (new, GA‘2014) Work for limiting administrative burden on economic activity and eradicating corruption practices;
  6. (new, GA‘2014) Cooperate for an effective and quick commercial dispute resolution through arbitration.



Art.4. For the achievement of its objective, BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall:

  1. Work up strategies and draft laws in the field of economy development and management;
  2. Prepare opinions and suggestions for the amendment and supplement of the acting rules and regulations;
  3. Prepare opinions under projects of programmes, strategies and other documents for the development of economy and the state governance;
  4. Participate in the sitting of the consultative councils at the governmental bodies;
  5. Study the conditions for intensive civil and commercial exchange, and the possibilities for the commercial subjects to take part in it;
  6. Assist its members in holding negotiations and concluding deals, protecting them against illegal actions and shall conduct other activities in compliance with its tasks;
  7. (amended, GA‘2014) Introduce and maintain new systems, forms and methods of training, retraining and improving the skills and qualifications of its members, develops competency models of occupations and job positions;
  8. Hold and develop the social dialogue for the establishment of modern industrial relations.
  9. Render assistance:

a) to reveal reserves in the economy, with the aim of renovating and restructuring the business activities in the country;

b) to restore, strengthen and expand former economic links and markets, and establish new contacts and markets at home and abroad;

c) to master and apply the achievements of the technical and technological progress in all sectors of economy;

d) to provide favorable conditions for investments and business activity;

e) to establish relationships of loyal competition and trade ethics;

f) to develop the social dialogue and set up modern industrial relations.



Art.5. For the realization of its objectives, BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall perform the following activities:

  1. Carry out investigations and analyses, expertise assessments, consultations and training;
  2. Render assistance in the preparation of documents needed for trade deals, customs, license, registration regimes, and etc.;
  3. (amended, GA’2018) Work to create policies that enable economic growth based on a broad deployment of digitization and creation of new skills;
  4. Cooperate for the registration of objects of intellectual property – patent marks, industrial design, assists the defense in cases of infringement of intellectual property rights;
  5. (suppl., GA’2018) Performs mediation and advisory activity on informing and recruiting and assessing human capital competencies and skills;
  6. Mediate for overcoming disputes between the commercial subjects and their settlement including through trade arbitration;
  7. Mediate between the trade unions and employers in the collective bargaining;
  8. Mediate in the arising of collective and individual occupational disputes and assists their settlement;
  9. Mediate in business contacts, holding negotiations and concluding trade deals and performs other activities in conformity with its objectives.
  10. (new, GA’2018) Supports processes related to the establishment of partnerships aimed at developing projects with national and international application.




Art.6. (1) Membership in BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be voluntary. The members may be persons in terms of Art.1, who accept its Statute.

(2) (new, GA’2018) Members of BIA – UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be full and honorary.

(3) (suppl., GA’2018) Full members may be persons in terms of Art. 1., who accept its Statute.

(4) (new, GA’2018) Honorary members may be Bulgarian and foreign natural persons who have proved their qualities in the economic, scientific or other sphere or have special merits for the development and the prestige of BIA – UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.

(5) The members of legal persons – collective members shall avail of the activity and have the rights of members of the BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.

(6) The members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall preserve their legal and economic autonomy.

(7) The membership legal relations shall arise in:

  1. admission;
  2. mergers and acquisitions


Art.7. (1) (amended, GA’2018) New full members of BIA – UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be admitted on the basis of a written application stating their acceptance of the Statute. The Board of Management shall give its ruling on the application by a decision not later than its second meeting after filing the application.

(2) (new, GA’2018) Honorary members shall be admitted by the Board of Management on a proposal by a full member of BIA – UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS and consent of the candidate for an honorary member.

(3) The decision of the Board of Management shall be communicated to the applicants for membership in writing.

(3) Revocation of a refusal of the Board of Management can be claimed at the General Assembly of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS as regulated in Art. 29 of this Statute.


Art.8. (suppl., GA’2018) (1) Full members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be entitled to:

  1. take part in its management bodies;
  2. submit issues related with their activity for discussion and assistance;
  3. make use of the property and the results from its activity;
  4. demand the support of BIA in defense of their interests;
  5. be informed about the operation of the BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS and attend the meetings of the Board of Management and the Controlling Council when matters of interest to them are considered. In these cases the Board of Management and the Controlling Council shall be bound to notify those concerned accordingly and in due time.

(2) (new, GA’2018) Honorary members of BIA – UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be entitled to:

  1. participate with the right to a deliberative vote in the General Assembly;
  2. be informed about the activities of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS and to attend meetings of the Board of Management and the Controlling Council when invited by these bodies;
  3. participate in the activity and to benefit from the results of the activity of BIA – UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS;
  4. to not pay property contributions.


Art.9. (1) (suppl., GA’2018) The full members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be obliged to:

  1. Observe the Statute and implement the decisions of the bodies of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS;
  2. Help the attainment of its goals and the realization of its tasks;
  3. Pay property contributions;
  4. Furnish the data needed for the attainment of its goals and the realization of its tasks;
  5. Be liable for obligations of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS up to the amount of their property contributions.

(2) For nonfeasance under the preceding paragraph the Board of Management may reprimand the members and warn them for being expelled.


Art.10. (1) (suppl., GA’2018) Membership of full members shall be terminated:

  1. Upon leaving – provided a prior six months’ notice, submitted to the Board of Management;
  2. Upon the dissolution of the body corporate, respectively the death or placing under full supervision of the physical person, member of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS;
  3. In the event of being expelled;
  4. In the event of dropping out due to unpaid property contributions and frequent non-participation in the activities of the BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS;
  5. Upon termination of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.

(2) (new, GA’2018) Membership of honorary members shall be terminated:

  1. Upon their submission to the Board of Management;
  2. Upon death or placing under full supervision;
  3. On the decision of the Board of Management under Art. 11 of this Statute.


Art.11. (1) A Member of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS may be expelled by decision of the Board of Management for a gross or systematical defiance of his obligations, or for undermining the Association’s prestige.

(2) The expelling order cannot come into force if the member of the BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS has not been asked to give explanations and if they have not been subject to discussion.

(3) The decision for expelling may be claimed with the General Assembly as regulated by Art. 29 of this Statute.

(4) Any member that has terminated his/her/its membership shall not have the right of the getting back the property contributions already paid.


Art.12. (amended, GA’2014, amended, GA’2018) The successors of a member of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS, after its restructuring, retain their membership unless they make a written request for its termination.





Art.13. (1) The General Assembly of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall consist of all its members.

(2) (new, GA’2018) Honorary members take part in the work of the General Assembly of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS with the right to a deliberative vote.

(3) A Corporate body, member of the Association, shall participate in the General Assembly with a representative who will be a natural person. The person shall verify this capacity with a Court Certificate for the current state of the body corporate


Art.14. The General Assembly of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall have the powers:

  1. To amend and supplement the Statute of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS;
  2. (amended, GA’2014, amended, GA’2018) To elect and dismiss the Board of Management and the Controlling Council and control their activity;
  3. To take decisions for restructuring or termination of the BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS, or placing it under liquidation and shall appoint the Board of Management or a person appointed by the latter for a liquidator;
  4. Together with the decision for termination, shall take decision for the allotment of the remaining property upon compensating the creditors after the liquidation;
  5. (amended, GA’2014, amended, GA’2018) To replace the members of the Board of Management and the Controlling Council before the expiry of the term for which they have been elected;
  6. To decide on altering the registered office and the name of the BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS;
  7. To approve the main trends for the operation of the BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS;
  8. (amended, GA’2014, amended GA’2018) To approve the reports for the activities of the Board of Management and the Controlling Council;
  9. To approve the budget of BIA;
  10. To amend and revoke decisions of the Board of Management and the Controlling Council;
  11. To decide on all matters, whose solution has not been entrusted to other bodies.


Art.15. (1) The General Assembly shall be called in session by the Board of Management at its initiative or at the request of 1/3 of the members of BIA.

(2) The Board of Management shall be obliged to extend an invitation in writing for calling the General Assembly in session within one-month time provided a request made by 1/3 of the members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS. If the invitation is not extended within the term set, the same members or their proxy may request the convention with the court in whose register the BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS has been entered.

(3) (amended, GA’2014, amended, GA’2018) The Board of Management may also call an extraordinary session of the General Assembly by suggestion of the Controlling Council.


Art.16. (1) (suppl., GA’2018) The invitations shall contain the agenda, the date, the time and venue for holding the General Assembly, and who is calling it, explicitly stating that if the required number of full members fails to turn up, the meeting shall assemble one hour later, at the same venue and with the same agenda, and shall be considered regular regardless of the number of those present.

(2) (amended, GA’2014) The invitation shall be published in the central daily newspaper and placed on the Announcements Board in the Head Office of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS at least one month prior to the date of the General Assembly.


Art.17. (suppl., GA’2018) The General Assembly shall be considered legitimate if more than one half of the full members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS are present. With lack of quorum the sitting shall be postponed for one hour later and held at the same venue and with the same agenda regardless of the number of members present.


Art.18. (1) The sessions of the General Assembly shall be presided over by a Bureau elected by the Assembly.

(2) Minutes shall be kept for the session; the members of the Bureau shall sign the Minutes.


Art.19. (1) The General Assembly shall make its decisions by an open vote with an ordinary majority of the members present, unless the Assembly decides the vote to be secret. Resolutions on Art.14, items 1, 3, 4, and 6 shall require a two third majority of the members present.

(2) No decisions shall be made on matters which have not been included in the invitation notice.


Art.20. (1) (suppl., GA’2018) Any full member of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be entitled to one vote.

(2) (suppl., GA’2018) A General Assembly full member shall not have a voting right when deciding issues related to:

  1. Him/herself, his/her spouse or relatives by direct line without restrictions, by lateral branch (of a family) – up to the fourth grade or kinship by marriage – up to the second grade included;
  2. Legal entities where he/she is a manager or can force or prevent the decision making.

2. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS (Amended, GA‘2014, repealed, GA’2018)

Чл.21. (repealed, GA’2018)

Art.22. (repealed, GA’2018)

Art.23. (repealed, GA’2018)

Art.24. (repealed, GA’2018)




Art.25. (1) (suppl., GA’2018) The Board of Management shall consist of not less than 15 full members, whom the General Assembly shall elect for a five-year term.

(2) (new, GA‘2014) The operating activity of the Board of Management shall be conducted by the Secretary General.

(3) Non-eligible to the Board of Management shall be:

  1. Persons deprived of the right to occupy executive, accounting or materially-responsible positions.
  2. Members of the executive bodies of political parties and movements.
  3. Those declared insolvent.
  4. Persons who are related to a member of the Board of Management or the Controlling Council by marriage, direct kinship, or brother/sister bonds.
  5. (new, GA’2014, repealed, GA’2018).


Art.26. The Board of Management shall:

  1. Organize the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly and shall report its activities to it.
  2. (amended, GA’2014, amended, GA’2018) Elect among its members a President of the Board of Management.
  3. Take decisions for acquisition and expropriation of real estates.
  4. (repealed, GA’2008)
  5. Approve plans and programmes for the activity of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.
  6. Approve and submit the draft budget to the General Assembly.
  7. Approve the accounting report and balance sheet of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS for the reviewed period, and the decisions as for amount of the property contributions.
  8. Admit, dismiss and expel members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.
  9. Take decisions for participations and termination of participation in other organizations.
  10. Take decisions for defining the local bodies, opening and closure of branches and the appointment of their executive directors.
  11. Approve the internal rules for the organization and operation of BIA’s administrative team.
  12. Determine the order and organize the operation of BIA – UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS and shall be liable for the above.
  13. Take decisions for changing the address of the association.
  14. Set up purpose-oriented cash funds.
  15. Institute awards and symbols of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS and shall decide on stimulating its members, individual firms and organizations, teams and specialists, encouraging them to achieve substantial successes in the realization of the objectives and tasks of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.
  16. Appoint the liquidator.
  17. Manage the assets of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS and make decisions for using its financial means.
  18. (new, GA’2018) If necessary, creates consultative councils and working groups to draft proposals on current economic policy issues.


Art.27. (1) (amended, GA‘2014) The President of the Board of Management shall call the Board in regular sessions at least once in two months. The President shall be obliged to call the Board of Management in an extraordinary session at the request of one third of its members within seven days upon receiving the request. The reasons for the convocation and the issues to be dealt with must be specified in the request. If the President fails to call the Board of Management in session within that time limit, the Board may be convened by any member of the Board of Management concerned.

(2) (new, GA’2014, repealed, GA’2018)

(3) (amended, GA’2014, amended, GA’2018) The President shall chair the sittings and in his absence – a member of the Board of Management nominated by the Board.

(4) The session of the Board of Management shall be considered legitimate if more than one half of its members are present.

(5) A member of the Board of Management shall be considered present if there is a two-way telephone or another connection with him, which will guarantee the identity certification and will allow him to participate in the discussions and the decision making. The chairman of the session shall certify the voting of this member in the Minutes kept.

(6) (new, GA’2014, amended, GA’2018) The President and the members of the Controlling Council may participate in the sessions of the Board of Management with a consultative vote.


Art.28. (1) The Board of Management shall make decisions by open voting and with an ordinary majority of those present, while the decisions under art. 26, i.i. 3, 13 and 17 - with majority of all members.

(2) The Board of Management may also make decision without holding its sitting if all members of the Board of Management sign the Minutes for the decision taken.


Art.29. The Board of Management resolutions may be revoked or altered by the General Assembly at the request of any member of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS. The request may be made within one month from learning about the respective decision, but not later than one year from the date, on which it has been taken. The Controlling Council may stop the implementation of the Board of Management resolutions, which contradict the Statute, until the judgement of the General Assembly is given.


Art.30. Persons appointed by the General Assembly shall represent the Association in the event of litigation between BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS and members of the Board of Management.


3. EXECUTIVE BOARD (Repealed, GA, 06 March 2008)

Art.27. (repealed, GA, 06 March 2008)

Art.28. (repealed, GA, 06 March 2008)

Art.29. (repealed, GA, 06 March 2008)

Art.30. (repealed, GA, 06 March 2008)




Art.31. The President of the Board of Management shall:

  1. Organize the implementation of the resolutions taken by the General Assembly and the Board of Management;
  2. Chair the sessions of the Board of Management
  3. (new, GA’2018) Manage operatively the activities and assets of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.
  4. (repealed, GA‘2014)


5. EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT (New, GA‘2014, repealed, GA’2018)

Art.32. (repealed, GA’2018)



Art.33. (new, GA’2014, amended, GA’2018) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be represented before all authorities and organizations, legal entities and natural persons in the country and abroad by the President of the Board of Management.



Art.34. (1) (suppl., GA’2018) The Controlling Council shall consist of three full members to be elected among the members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS for a period of five years. The Controlling Council shall elect its President among its own members.

(2) (amended, GA‘2014) Persons in terms of Art.25. i. 3 as well as those who have been members of the previous Board of Management shall be barred from election to the Controlling Council.


Art.35. (1) The Controlling Council shall:

  1. Monitor the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Board of Management.
  2. Control the legitimacy, purpose-fullness and advisability of implementing the resolutions of the management bodies of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.
  3. Exercise control for the proper care of the property of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.
  4. Issue statements on the annual report, the balance sheet and the budget of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS, and shall report its own activities to the General Assembly.

(2) (repealed, GA‘2014)

(3) Upon establishing substantial violations of the Law and of this Statute, the Controlling Council shall deposit a request with the Board of Management for convening the General Assembly.



Art.36. (1) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall set up its property from: ownership and other real rights, intellectual property rights and rights of receivables.

(2) Sources of the property of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be: property membership contributions, revenues from its own real property and activities, donations, and other sources authorized by law.

(3) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall not receive donations from political parties and alliances.

(4) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall not allocate profit.


Art.37. BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall keep its free cash assets in banks. BIA may invest them in state or state-guaranteed securities, securities approved for trading at the regulated markets of securities, other investment instruments or in well-established commercial companies, guided by considerations about the safety of the money invested.


Art.38. (1) In order to achieve its objectives and tasks and to support this activity, BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS may set up its own funds.

(2) The funds in terms of the preceding paragraph may be general funds, and for specific cases – funds specially set aside from the assets of respectively concerned members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS.

(3) (new, GA‘2014) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS may set up mutual benefit funds to cover financial, arbitration, registration and other expenses.

(4) The procedure and conditions for collecting the property contributions for the funds specially set aside for particular cases shall be determined by the Board of Management and shall be offered to the parties concerned.


Art.39. (1) BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall manage its expenses in execution and within the limits of its approved budget. Provisions may be made in the budget for funds designed to support (against repayment or free of charge) members of the association suffering temporary difficulties.

(2) No funds shall be granted under whatever form to political parties and movements.


Art.40. (1) All incomes of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS, irrespective of their nature or origin, shall be incorporated in its assets and used to achieve its goals.

(2) The revenues specified in the preceding paragraph shall not be distributed as a profit among the members of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS



Art.41. (1) Any decision to merge, join, separate, restructure or terminate BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS shall be made by the General Assembly with a two-thirds’ (2/3) majority of the attending members

(2) No merger and acquisition shall be allowed with political parties or movements



Art.42. (1) In the event of liquidation of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS by decision of the General Assembly, the Board of Management or a person appointed by the Board shall execute the liquidation.

(2) (amended, GA‘2014) The Board of Management may appoint a non-member of BIA - UNION OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS for a liquidator.

Art.43. The provisions set by the Commercial Act shall apply in relation to the order for the liquidation and the powers of the liquidators.



Art.44. (amended, GA‘2014) The portioning of the property remained after paying off the creditors shall be made in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly as per art. 14, i. 4.

Art.45. The Board of Management shall determine the costs for the liquidation, including the remuneration of the liquidator


This Statute was adopted by the VІ General Assembly of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) on 11.06.1993, amended and supplemented by the ІХ General Assembly held on 21.12.2000. The amendments and supplements have been made in relation with the Non-profit Legal Persons Act (promulgated in the State Gazette No 81/2000) and coming into force on 01.01.2001; amended and supplemented by the Х General Assembly held on 21.12.2001; amended by the ХІІ General Assembly on 05.10.2006; amended and supplemented by the ХІІІ General Assembly held on 6 March 2008, amended at the ХІV General Assembly on 25.04.2014, amended and supplemented by the XV General Assembly on 05.12.2018, amended by the XVI General Assembly on 01.11.2023.

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