
For over a decade, Europass has been one of the most visited sites of the European institutions, with over 50,000 visitors a day using the Europass CV editor and other tools. The Commission is launching a new, modernised Europass which will offer a multilingual ‘e-Portfolio tool’. The new Europass will provide learners and workers with useful tools and information to adapt to digital and green transitions and manage their career in a fast changing world. Europass users can register and create a profile to record their skills and qualifications. Users can add files to a personal library and will receive tailored suggestions of jobs (via EURES) based on their profile. Users can also share a link to their profile with employers and employment services and will receive tailored suggestions of training courses.

You will find the communication material via our shared drive including the Europass Styleguide, the new Europass brand mark, launch social media calendar and key messages (visuals, GIF, videos coming soon).  

Date: 02.07.2020

Source: European Commission

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