The higher education in Bulgaria is faced with the challenges of global trends: globalization, digitalization, demographic change. An independent middle class, whose education needs to respond towards the markets demands, has clearly emerged in our society. Nowadays, every young person is looking for a prorfessional realization that brings satisfaction, a good standard of life and an opportunity to express his or hers personal qualities.

Over the last 28 years, the International Business School (IBS) has undergone a major change - facilitating the process of access to higher education, modernizing curricula, creating modern facilities and a high-tech learning environment in a market economy. We set the goal of being more forward-looking and more adaptable by adopting an integrated approach towards education which involves both knowledge and know-how. In addition, we have rethought our ideas on how our training system is organized and how it is supported by resources. We have been given the freedom to choose a form of training, which uses the methods of interactive learning and the opportunities of technologies that contribute to the quality of the educational process.

The curricula are fully in tune with the dynamics and specifics of the business, encouraging students to look to the future, exploring such important issues as sustainability, entrepreneurship in the digital economy, innovation and globalization. In their personal and scientific pursuits, they are supported by our teachers - leading professionals actively working in their professional fields.

The programs combine individual attitude with teamwork, science and arts, training with personality building and ethics. In addition to basic knowledge and specific professional expertise, we encourage our students to develop critical thinking, analytical and communication skills, social competences and attitudes to work in a multicultural environment.

And despite the frequent criticisms of higher education, IBS is one of the first educational institutions in Bulgaria with a well-established and functioning system of various forms of cooperation with business representatives. Over the past few years, we have conducted questionnaires to gather information on employers' requirements for student preparation, labor market demands and the realization of IBSU graduates.

The analysis of the surveys shows their satisfaction with the preparation of our students:

  • 81% answered that the employee's knowledge and skills were "fully in line" with the requirements of the position taken;
  • 73% are willing to hire graduates of IBS if the opportunity arises for the company to hire employees;
  • 91% of all respondents would recommend the IBS students to other organizations.

This indicates that competences have been formed during the training process, which enables graduates to be competitive and efficient in the work process.

Education is one of the paths towards personal development. So, last but not least, one of our goals is to build a lifelong learning culture for our students.

You can read more information about IBSU training and the initiatives we support at or on the Facebook page

Date: 19.09.2019

Readed: 1049