
Тhe official nomination period for the next European Inventor Award in 2020 has now begun. Since its inception in 2006, the European Inventor Award has honoured the inventors who have made remarkable technological breakthroughs and has celebrated their valuable contributions to society and economic prosperity. This reflects positively on the inventors, of course, but also on innovative companies investing in new technologies and using patents.

The basic requirements for a nomination are as follows: all inventors which go on to become finalists of the European Inventor Award must have been granted a European patent and not only have achieved significant technological progress in their field, but also benefitted the economy and enriched society.

In this context, we invite and encourage members to consider possible nominations for the 2020 edition of the European Inventor Awards. The deadline for submission of nominations expires on 30 September 2019.

Further information about the nomination process and criteria, as well as the online form, can be accessed via the following weblink.

In case you submit a nomination, we would kindly ask you to keep BUSINESSEUROPE informed.   

EPO European Inventor Awards 2020 – Invitation to provide nominations